Wednesday, September 25, 2024

One Word Film Experience

 So for this project, me and my partner had to make a film based around a random word.

The word we got to work with was "Frustration".

Rules were simple:
90 seconds of recording time
15 scenes, no more no less
Complete brainstorming sheet for scenes
Complete storyboarding sheet for scenes 
Edit it using adobe premier pro (we had to edit our own seperate video files so it wasnt like group editing or anything.)
Make files available through onedrive, google drive, or youtube.
and lastly, submit it through a word document by putting a link in it.

Btw the project was graded on techniques and stuff so we didnt have sound or good acting, but we tried lol

Brainstorming was rough, we came up with the original test frustration story but it was too long to work with, we ended up scrambling the entire thing like 4 times before we thought it was good.

The storyboard, on the other hand, was easier. The storyboard helped me visualize what the shots would actually look like, as well as what the shot types might convey.

While it wasnt actually necessary, I used adobe premier pro to edit this project.

I would absolutely love to improve my editing, but I was very unfamiliar with the software. However, I do think the shots came out fine.

Heres the link to the project. ^

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Media text essay review

 Media text essay review

1. Some things about the essay provided that were well done was the way they described the scenes, the scenes were described with great detail, also the interpretation of the scene's symbolism makes a lot of sense comparing it to what I originally wrote. On top of that, the film terminology was accurate and well. However, I believe the essay could be written in a more clear structure, and the grammar was a bit faulty in some areas. Some of the phrasing could also be better.

2. Three phases that represent micro analysis are:
"The shift to a long shot keeping the close-up of the woman in the foreground is the first shot that aids Hitchcock in creating the suspense necessary for the remainder of the extract."
"The close-up of the water swishing down the drain is a reminder of the toilet used earlier to flush down the torn paper."
"The final close-up of the newspaper, a method used for documenting the history of our lives, further implies that this death is one in a sea of many."

I dont know how to do questions 3 and 4 because I wasnt in class. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Camera shots quiz post!

 For this assignment, I had to make a short story with only 15 pictures using some camera shot techiniques I've been learning. Though the work did have some requirements to meet, as listed here: 

  • An establishing shot
  • A Long shot
  • Two medium shots
  • Two close-ups
  • An Extreme close-up
  • A Point of view shot
  • Any type of shot using a high angle
  • Any type of shot using a low angle

    After doing all of this, I had to make a powerpoint with all the pictures, and short summaries of the story and shots.

    So to do this work, my partner and I both got to brainstorming as we needed a story to tell.
    This process went through a few phases, but none got far besides the current one. During storymaking, we also decided on all the shot types and angles we would use then and there.

    After completing the main storyline, we started taking the pictures needed, most of them were inside of school. Though the last 4 or 5 were taken elsewhere.

    I started working on the powerpoint part of the project, but I had a lot of stuff to do on friday, so  I tried having my partner do it, but something weird happened, not gonna go into detail though. The powerpoint is really simple as I had to do it in a rush.

    The only thing I would improve is the Powerpoint slides, and maybe the shot lighting. The powerpoint looks very bland and basic, and it doesnt have any transitions, also the shot lighting feels unbalanced and also looks different every shot.

    If you want to check out the project its right here \/
    Camera shots quiz.pptx


Special Meet up day!

  Cambridge Portfolio Project Hello Today in class we had group meetings!  We were instructed to visit our teacher's website (