Saturday, March 15, 2025

Week 7 Day 3

 Cambridge Portfolio Project

Today is the day to put down a script for the ccr question 3 and 4 because I dont want any non flowy stuff from seperating

robbie, evangelion sucks.

CCR question 3 and 4: 

  • How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
  • How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

ok so like 
ideas) delete
Fabric of reality police

ccr video 2 (which will answer the last 2 questions) is going to be a skit following a game show joke type thang
so i can work off of that

Gameshow Interrogation
Andrew Zamudio

Fade in?
INT Zamudio family home living room-Afternoon
Neutral colored home with many decorations, there is a coffee table centered inside a brown leather L shaped couch, a tv sits on an accented wall across the room, with an entertainment unit below it. An end table and an orange fabric chair can be seen in the corner, right infront of a glass sliding door that leads to an outdoor area. The tiled marble floors lost their reflection to dirt and dust.

Andrew Z sits down on the leather couch, reaching for the tv control, they're a decently short, young individual, he is wearing black shorts and a black tshirt with a graphic on it.

Such a nice day, no ones home... 
might as well watch something to pass the time.
Maybe a game show?

As the tv turns on, the channel is switched to a channel with a game show, but unexpectedly, the tv turns off, andrew looks at the tv confused as what can only be described as "disney magic" noise begins to emit from it, suddenly, a man comes out of the tv.

Gameshow host "Robbie" walks a bit closer to the couch, whilst humming the tune that plays during the "family feud" intro, He has a paper on his face showing an image of steve harvey's face, the paper is taped onto his forehead, but it covers his face, he is wearing a basic outfit.

Who are you and what the FUCK are
you doing in my house???

Andrew sits up, alarmed as Robbie walks to the side of the tv, stopping next to a mirror.

Welcome to family feud!
Im your host Steve Harvey!

You are NOT Steve Harvey

Todays a special game day,
We get to ask you questions!

Dude get out of my house

I'll give you 10 bucks to participate.

Fine, whatever gets you to leave.

Alright so lets start off,
Whats your name?

Uh, my names andrew

Robbie shoots his arm upwards, hops and slightly widens his stance

Ding Ding Ding! You get a point!

(visibly confused)
Thats... not...
Thats not how it works?
So called "steve harvey"

Shut up it is now.


Next question,
this ones related to your recent film.
How'd your production skills develop through
 the making of your latest film?

I literally just want to relax,
why are you asking me this?

Answer the question.

I guess the majority of my knowledge
came from this class I was taking,
I can measure my growth by comparing
previous projects from that class
alongside the information I learned.

uh huh

When I first started making this film
I did not know that much about technique
I had notes on a bunch, but it was difficult to
incorporate them. So I struggled for a bit
envisioning what I wanted. However,
After reviewing some similar productions
being made, I gained a more clear view
on what to do, how to incorporate stuff,
and more. Some elements in my film are
still Kind of basic, like the mise-en-scene,
which I would've loved to expand on.
But over-

Well, that seems to be all the time
you have for that question!
I guess you get a point for near completion!

whats next?

Okay next question!
How did you integrate different technologies,
like hardware, software, and online tech into
your film and project?

okay fine.
Starting with online tech, I guess I did keep a blog
running that displayed my work and progress
chronologically. Pretty much everything I did is
documented on there. For software, I did use Adobe
Premier Pro to edit, which was really annoying I honestly
would not willingly edit on there again, just because theres
easier options. Hardwares more of an easy topic, I had a
proper camera, no, two proper cameras for filming,
and different light fixtures to work with, along with my
general devices, like my computer. All these were-

Thats all the time we have!
You get a point!

thanks for not letting me finish.

Gradually, police sirens can be heard outside, so can the noise of tire screeching. Robbie has an unhinged look on his face as he opens the sliding door and runs out through the patio as an escape

Police #1
(through megaphone)
Robbie Collings, put your hands up!

(visibly confused)
what the hell.

This is kind of corny but yeah

 john ultrakill approved

Friday, March 14, 2025

Special Meet up day!

 Cambridge Portfolio Project

Today in class we had group meetings! 

We were instructed to visit our teacher's website (  and check out each others blogs and overall work.

Overall there was a lot of info shared, but not much feedback.

CCR ideas were discussed, but no one had a clear mind on anything (we're all burnt out lol)
CCR ideas were pretty similar, everyone wanted to do something creative, but felt limited to doing a powerpoint presentation or a directors note type of thing due to lack of time.

Two of the group members were almost done with their project entirely, those being Nick and Sarah, Nick's got everything done besides I believe some final editing and placement of credits, Sarah is seeking a fitting title and where to put credits.

Everyone's blogs are thoroughly created and filled, and everyone seems to be atleast somewhat on track.

really nice

Group image!

john ultrakill approved

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Week 7 Day 2

 SO for this Im going to be researching for questions 1 and 2 of the Creative Critical Reflection
Those questions are:

  • How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?
  • How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
I guess my dystopian film follows a pretty standard trope of survaillence and restricted knowledge, I dont really see much of a difference between my film and other books and films of dystopian genre...

If I compare my film to the book 1984 by George Owell, they both follow a leading force that desires conformity and does not stop at anything to achieve it. One thing that I found similar to my film in 1984 was the idea of a "Thought-Criminal", When I was brainstorming ideas, one of the first things I thought about when I started storyboarding was the Idea of extra restrictions on certain thoughts being restricted, however, I didnt really know how to incorporate that so its kinda not shown in the film intro.

The representation of social groups is a bit of a weird topic to me, Im not sure if its because I kind of forgot to think about that, or because I subconsciencly thought about it...

For my intro, Theres only one character, They're rebellious, and its somewhat represented by their costume and some aspects in the film related to mise-en-scene, usually rebellious individuals are greatly affected by censorship, sometimes censorship is the reason for the need to rebel. In my intro, the lack of memory doesnt allow for much creativity, but the protagonist still proceeds with artistic work, shown clearly in a close up shot with warm lighting. In history, some groups have faced difficulty from censorship, an example could be the Tianamen square massacre, where protests against censorship lead to the deaths (and more censorship) of many students.

idk what else to do

anyways onto question 2

So the way my film opening engages with audience is by relating coming of age features to those who may resonate with that, and also relating dystopian topics of censorship and fear of individual power to those who may relate in some way or another. (not the best way to describe this but i fear i may be dumb)
Asthetic can also have an effect, the use of bleak colors and surveillance shots can bring in an uneasiness for the viewer, leading to more retention and engaging content.

Talkign about distribution, since this is a literal beginner film, I could try to distribute through a Film Festival, Film festivals are fairly common in community spaces like libraries, schools, and other places. I could also try to submit my film for viewing at a locally owned movie theatre, I believe there is only one nearby me, but its an option since these places will sometimes have certain days where they show beginner movies from people who want to have it shown.

Also, films like these could be distributed online on platforms like Youtube, this is typically the easiest way to distribute, but it may not be the most rewarding.



 john ultrakill approved

Monday, March 10, 2025

Extra Filler Post!


Just here to say I messed up my post schedule, I wasnt supposed to give CCR production ideas till the end of this week, so this week will be dedicated to the questions

Also, Im still behind from finishing my actual production, but Im going back to finish refilming the last stuff,  oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! I finally got the editing to work, the problem was a MISCLICK. I WENT THROUGH ALL THAT STRESS OVER A MISCLICK. anyways I have some stuff edited so far.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Week 6 Day 4

 Cambridge Portfolio Project

Guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its CCR time!

Except this isnt a fun thing for me because I suck at creativity and suck even more at executing that creativity.

alrighty guys so I havent actually been reviewing what I should do for the questions because the questions themselves dont look too bad to do, Ive been mostly focusing on ideas.

Idea 1:

Talk show type thing, I can have movement of the camera included as well as that one editing style that just cycles back from one person to another, I do have a window at my house that has 2 chairs and a table in the middle that i could use (Obviously id cover up the window with a curtain), Id just need to maybe ad lights or another notable decoration... 

I would love to be more creative with this though...

Idea 2:

This ones hella cheesy but I dont have much more ideas,
Kidnapping interrogation, my inspiration was actually that one scene in the first iron man movie where stark is kinda sitting there with the antagonists behind him in a low quality recording. I could replicate a low quality video with this one digital handheld camera I have from like 9 years ago (sorry no photo im doing this post remotely [at my friends house])

Basically for this one I just gotta get a dark room, modify it a bit in terms of furnishing and decor, put some light focused on me (like a spotlight) + some extra lighting and just talk into the camera, not the best since theres movement (there might be some movement at the start but thats really it) or anything, but atleast theres mise-en-scene elements to be incorporated

This ones probably more of like a last resort since it doesnt dive into much.

Idea 3:

I could try doing like a skit or something similar, a video thats basically built off a joke that still manages to clearly answer the questions would be cool. Though this idea is really general.

There are multiple ways to do this one, and I could use dumb tiktok skits as a basis for joke ideas, but as of right now, Im not entirely sure.

Anyways, obviously I can go a different route than these ideas, but for now this is all I got.

NOT john ultrakill approved

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Week 6 Day 3

 Cambridge Portfolio Project

NOT john ultrakill approved

Being so fr with yall folks at cambridge




i will be asking my teacher :( 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Week 6 day 2

 Cambridge Portfolio Project

Today is editing time!



working through these clips is annoying as hell i cant lie...

dude i cant even see a preview image (normally i can)

Probably gonna sort these out and name them in a minute.

Guess whos absolute garbage at editing!


So anyways, Im gonna be using the adobe premier pro even tho I hate using it just because its fancy :3 (im broke and have nothing else besides capcut which is NOT  allowed.)

is what I would say if uh....

what the hell do i do

Since i couldnt edit, I decided to work on some foley sounds 

Ok what the hell my phone doesnt want to upload images no more

I kinda have to just describe what I did...

One of the sounds i mightve overlooked in the storyboarding and planning was fabric moving, so I did just that... 

like 4 times,

for each time I did it, i used a trusty book, rubbed it against the floor, and recorded it. It worked i guess, 2 of the recordings kind of suck though.

Another sound I did was a door opening sound, which was tricky... I remember in an old project I had to do something similar, but this time I did not have much to my disposal, but i ended up using a specific sound that occurs when you let go of a controllers joystick when its on the edge (might be specific to the dualshock 4 i was using) and then a plastic stand with rubber bottoms (hyperspecific)

it was kind of bad, i might re do it honeslty.

Sorry for the short post, but really theres a lot of difficulties right now...

 john ultrakill approved


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Week 6 Day 1 !

 Cambridge Portfolio Project


Oh my god.

sorry for an off set picture, I kind of
forgot to do it on set, I do have
more pictures on the processes
on set tho, dont worry.


unfortunately, since my friend was the one recording, a lot of the stuff came out choppy. LUCKILY, NOT  ALL OF IT.

For now I just have to work around this issue and redo some shots in a few days.

Heres an example of what I'm talking about (below)

It looks kind of fine here since its small, but on a bigger scale you can see that its slightly unfocused and pretty grainy...

Its not too big of a deal though, Ill ask my teacher if it REALLY matters.

Anyways! Next up I wanna tell you guys about my lighting set up.

This time around, I was able to use two more Key items for lighting, one being my phone (has a really adjustable flashlight) and some wierd ring light (colors!)
This was the lighting set up for about 2 of the shots, but it has most of the tools we used!

In the image above you can see 3 things (kind of) on the left is a REALLY REALLY BRIGHT lamp thats being covered with an old black pacman shirt (my saviour), on the right-ish you can see a tripod ringlight, in this shot i used a specific blue ish color for that cold cold cold cold yeah, but despite changing brightness and stuff, it was a bit too strong, so I covered it behind white light from my phones flashlight. (the tripod had a thing for ur phone)

this is one of the shots i gotta redo due to blurryness, but its a great example of how big of a lifesaver this stupid ringlight was.

The light used here was orangish (somewhat white) from the ringlight, and on the leftish back was my phones flashlight on a low output. while less visible, behind the camera there was the covered lamp, providing little light.

I really liked working on this Im just hella dissapointed in the blurry camerawork.

Maybe my friends not good with cameras.

This dog is john ultrakill approved

take a picture of my dog :3


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Week 5 day 4!

 Cambridge Portfolio Project

Hello once more people at Cambridge + teacher!

This time around Im gonna discuss some shots I took, and my current plans

So this is the first shot of the two I wish to discuss, it was one of the easier ones to do. 

This shot was on my storyboard btw!

So about the shot, despite it being an easier shot to do, the previous challenges mentioned in my previous blogposts kind of require I try to take it again when I have the proper tools to make it look 

actually good.

On the other hand, this shot did look similar to what I was picturing whilst brainstorming which is nice because it means I dont have to scramble to find whats wrong.


This was another one of the shots I had placed on my storyboard, It was similar to my vision like the last shot, but here I have some issues that are gonna make me retake it

#1 Too dark
As explained earlier AND in a previous blogpost, I dont have proper lighting tools, and I didnt have that much to use  besides a few lamps and stuff.

despite this I do like the shot, I just need to make it better with some better lighting

#2. the framing
my friend was helping me with this shot, and since hes dumb and stupid he left the frame uncentered and shaky which sucks. Again, im gonna retake it, I can probably afford a phone stabilizer or something.

#3 Myself
Holy hell I look ugly, I think this might just be something everyone experiences, but I cannot stand how I look in the shot, unfortunately, my friend refuses to act or even show up in blogs so im on my own which sucks.

There were more shots, but not many of them are really special...
oh and i gotta retake some of them.... 
i think i said that before....

Play ultrakill

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Week 5 day 3 post

Cambridge Portfolio Project

Hello guys!

Welcome back, again.



ok so this time I want to let yall know about how I worked with lighting during the production, cuz it was horrible and it was partially my fault that it was horrible.

Literally the three crutches of mine

Lamp 1

Really heavy for some reason

Also pretty bright

Does work well for some specific shots


man I wish I had professional lighting equipment like we did when we were working on that music video and branding project

Im broke

Lamp 2

Ok so get this

Its broken

Its way too bright

I dont even think I can use it


I hate this


Ok so this is by far my goat !

Adjustable brightness

even if its too bright turn the phone around and use the screen as a light (+ that can be colored)

Easy to move

man im broke

Anyways, this was entirely my fault, I originally thought my friend had some more light sources (specific ones were infact in my mind) but apparently he got rid of some of them, which is kinda weird but... roadblocks cannot stop me I will be bringing better light sources next time (which is probably gonna be like wednesday or something) 

the phone was pretty good though, it lit up a half decent shot, but I most likely need to retake half of the shots I took when I bring better(?) lighting equipment


Week 7 Day 3

  Cambridge Portfolio Project Today is the day to put down a script for the ccr question 3 and 4 because I dont want any non flowy stuff fro...