Friday, February 28, 2025

Week 5 day 2 post!

  Cambridge Portfolio Project

Hello again people, It is time for yet another blog post, this will be highlighting some details about my production process! (and so will the next 2) 

This blog post will be centered around the location used, and some workarounds I needed to do.

So as I specified in one of my previous blogposts (GO LOOK PLEASE), I was planning on filming at my friend's house (BTW I will not be namedropping or showing his face since he wants privacy, so I'll just refer to him as my friend), and that I did. 




(Dont worry, I still filmed a little bit of stuff, just really limited on what i could do.)

so originally, I had planned to film on thursday (yesterday), but THAT got delayed (Friend unexpectedly became busy) so now it had to be moved to today (Good thing or I wouldnt be able to make this blog post in time). Despite this issue, and the fact that im currently on a foreign computer as we speak, Im making this post.

When I got to my friend's house, I ran into a few issues that I knew I would run into.

Here you can see behind the blinding
light a portion of my friend's
collectibles n stuff.
#1. Friend's room has many MANY collectibles, figures etc. (I only have one bad picture I was gonna use to talk about lighting in the next blog post with, but since the idea of taking a picture to demonstrate skimmed over my head, it will have to do)

The issue is I dont want any of these in my film, since yeah colorless lifeless yeah yeah tell it to the judge type stuff.

The workaround for this was pretty simple tho! Make it dark as hell (not really) and try to push stuff out of frame or into an area too dark to see.

You may be asking "Well, wouldnt that affect your recording?"


It will.

But its minimal, it will be just fineeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Issue numero dos!


My friends house has a lot of people roaming at once (not really his familys just really active idk) which was slightly annoying

the only real fix I had was to wait until a later time do try and film this stuff, it was simple but effective.

anyways, the location itself was fine, once again following my stupidity, I forgot to actually take a picture of the room, nonetheless, I still have an image of his bed, which is where some of the shots are going to take place, also idk if a full image of friend's room woudlve been something he'd agree to.

ok buh bye!

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Special Meet up day!

  Cambridge Portfolio Project Hello Today in class we had group meetings!  We were instructed to visit our teacher's website (