Sunday, February 23, 2025

Cambridge Portfolio Project - Audio elements !

 Hello people !

This time I'm going over a few audio elements I wish to incorporate into my film opening, most of these are going to be to emphasize aspects of the film (obviously), but some are going to be more passive as well.

Onto the more passive side, I don't know if I want to incorporate music, I want the opening to feel slow and weighted? If I do incorporate a song into the film, It will probably be something simple and quiet, something lazy and/or tense.

Onto the more important stuff,

Foley !
If yall don't know what Foley sound-work is, then go search it up, it's really cool. For those too lazy to do so, essentially Foley sound-work is the process of creating sounds that mimic the usual sounds of another item using random items at your disposal (that's a really bad definition but picture someone sliding a book across their floor whilst recording audio in an attempt to mimic the sound clothes makes when you move against something. [Giving examples is always easier])

For my project, following the storyboard I can already come up with a few uses for Foley in mind

some of the sounds I need to recreate may be:

fabric moving (multiple instances, but mostly for when our protagonist leaves bed)
door handle opening and closing (I could be lazy and just use an online sound, but its better to personalize a bit!)
walking noises! (self explanatory)
(maybe) lamp button flicking?

That (I think) is all, though obviously as I work the list could change.

Now! My beloved readers (aka Robbie and like no body besides my teacher [Hi btw]), I also have to decide on general sounds needed! 

Something technology-esque for the mirror (might use a text to speech for that because it would be funny)
Recurring motif 
mumbling or dialogue audio (probably just mumbling, I don't really want my protagonist speaking too much, or at all)
door swinging audio because I dont know how to replicate that squeakyness :3

some techniques I may use (if not already mentioned)

Sound bridges
Sound perspective
Both non diegetic and diegetic sound (obviously)
Synchronous sound (obviously)
Sting (maybe)
Music (maybe)

thanks for reading!


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Special Meet up day!

  Cambridge Portfolio Project Hello Today in class we had group meetings!  We were instructed to visit our teacher's website (