Hello yall!
Today I'm gonna go over a few possible filming locations (2 filming locations that I've pondered)
Before that though, I wanna give you guys my thought process for what makes a good set that will match the lighting, character, and more.
So for the set, Originally I wanted little color as to represent the bland world our character lives in, but then I started thinking "Would this protagonist really like to live in a house with NO color?" and now I'm conflicted with this aspect, as removing color would be more of a "ooh the government controls everything !" type of vibe, but really in my story, they don't completely control absolutely every little aspect. on the other hand, color would highlight my protagonist's personality, but also it would make it seem like my character's above the governments control, which (kind of) isn't true? But it also is true at the same time, but that's later in the story and not in the intro... Though I do have 2 locations in mind regarding these factors.
The lighting does affect this color scheme issue I'm having, if the set is too colorful, It will be very hard to achieve the cold lighting I originally wanted for the setting, If the set is too bland, lighting will be more clear, but the character wont be represented too well.
Looking in the protagonist's direction, Color will represent our protagonist well, but it would interfere with lighting, lack of color could be a workaround to represent something else whilst making lighting more possible, but the character would be left in the dust.
Anyways, onto my two possible filming locations,
Location 1!
My own house
Can access anytime
Complete control over movement of stuff
Middle ground:
Smallish sized (could be a good thing or a bad thing)
Have to work around family
Lighting might be hard
Location 2!
My friends house
Likely chance my friend will help me
Not far away
Middle ground:
A lot less colorful
Larger sized
Limited visiting time
Have to get permission to be there (most likely a yes though) and have to get permission to move stuff around if necessary(essentially there's limitations)
Overall, I still have to think about what I'm going to do, but as of right now I am slightly leaning on the idea of filming at my friend's house.
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